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Buying Your Domain

What makes us different from the rest? We are truly passionate about building and designing websites and helping you grow your business. We have been doing this for over 20 years and our experience shows it!

Tips for purchasing the right domain

It’s not so easy these days to find a good domain, most of the good ones are taken. When buying your domain these are some of the things you will want to consider.

  1. I always tell people “before you name your business make sure you can buy yourbusinessname.com“. You don’t want to have a name that someone else owns. It’s not the end of the world if you can’t get your name .com, but it would make it easier for your customers to find you.
  2. Buy domains that are easy to type and remember. Make sure you get a short version to give to your customers. We bought wetwebsitedesign.com and the short version we give to customers is 7wet.com.
  3. Buy .com if you can, it carries the most weight and respect.
  4. Make sure the domain you buy is not trademarked. You can check to see here uspto.gov
  5. Try not to by domains that are similar to other sites. These days that’s harder then ever.
  6. Don’t get a domain with hyphens.
  7. Buy Your domain (yousite.com) for ten years. This helps the search engines know that your planning on sticking around long term. Some companies offer to sell more than ten years. It is not necessary for you to purchase more then ten years. this is just their way of getting more money.

You can search for the right domain here

Picture of ChrisN


I have been building and designing websites for over 20 years. I truly love and have a passion for the internet. Its like a city that just keeps getting bigger and bigger and if you find a good location your business just keeps growing and growing as well. It amazes me after over 20 years how little I know about the internet and how everything works. I tend to focus on the important things like Google, Bing, Facebook and Yelp ads. I also like to come up with new quicker ways to grow backlinks to my website. Its an exciting time we live in and we just need to focus on being the best we can be!

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